Community Survey - Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Capital Projects

A Capital Projects Town Hall Meeting was held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at the Nolan Center.

The purpose of this meeting was to educate the public and obtain input for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Capital Projects.  The CIP is a planning tool that establishes priorities and capital budgets for anticipated infrastructure projects for the Borough.  Capital improvements identified under the plan have a capital expenditure of $25,000 or more.

The meeting was an opportunity for our residents to review Borough staff nominations for priority improvements and to let us know what the needs of the community are.  Public comments on the proposed CIP capital project priorities are welcome and encouraged.

The public can still provide comments by completing the Community Survey for Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Capital Projects provided below. Hard copy completed survey forms can be dropped off at City Hall or emailed to  Questions about the survey and the priorities list can be directed to Amber Al-Haddad, Capital Facilities Director, 907-874-3902.