Wrangell Outdoor Recreation Plan

USFS cabin with plane

In Spring of 2011, a grass roots effort to develop a Sustainable Outdoor Recreation Plan for the community began. Different groups and individuals with interests in improving outdoor recreation opportunities met on several occasions to discuss interest in developing a plan. The USFS was  looking to work with other communities (besides  Sitka and Yakutat) to help prioritize outdoor recreation opportunities within the community.  The effort would help them focus their funding, and help other groups seek funding for prioritized outdoor recreation opportunities as well. The USFS agreed to work with Wrangell, providing Agnew:Beck as facilitator of the process and to compile our information.

The first public meeting was held in  April of 2011 for community feedback on what we as a community do now for outdoor recreation by season, and what things would we like to do or see. Over the summer, the Core team members met by telephone a few times to answer questions from the facilitators as they compiled research information and compiled local data. The Core team (about 6 local residents) worked on developing three surveys. A survey for kids which was conducted in July and August; a survey of visitors provided to local accommodations which was completed in August/September; and a resident survey was completed in October. A public meeting was held on Nov. 17th to go through the inventory, surveys, and the draft plan compiled from the information gathering phase. Another public meeting was held in early February to prioritize the list of potential opportunities. Public meeting to present the Final draft was on March 29, 2012 at City Hall.

The Assembly approved the plan in April 2012.